Why Manage Maintenance?
Maintenance is a process and all processes cost money to operate. Unless you have tools in place to monitor, control and refine that process, you have no way to control that cost. When maintenance is properly managed you not only save money by tracking trends and directing focus, you also save through greater efficiency and by becoming proactive in your approach to handling problems.
Still more savings are available with the implementation of tools that create synergy between the various departments involved in the maintenance actions. Whether crossing technical or language barriers these tools need to be transparent, operating in the background to speed the process without increasing the burden on the staff. This is where SynergyMMS stands apart.

Guest Complaints 30%
If your staff is discovering and fixing issues before the guest ever notices them, guest complaints will fall. SynergyMMS has been proven to reduce complaints by 30%!

Compensation 80%
If guests have less to complain about, then they also have a better experience with less need for compensation. Higher revenue and loyalty will result.