Choose from the items listed below:
SMMS_FF1_Task_Code_search.pdfTask codes can be many with confusing numbers and letters. The new search feature in SynergyMMS allows anyone to find a task code by searching for a keyword in the description.

SMMS_FF2_Reports.pdfTo see the benefits of SynergyMMS you will need to run reports. There are many report styles to choose from to help you get just the information you are looking for.

SMMS_FF_3-PM_By_Floor.pdfIf you tend to block an entire floor to conduct room PM inspections this feature focus illustrates a nice way to get the list of rooms and a set of instructions without generating wasted paper.

SMMS_FF_4-PMs.pdfDefining and Using PM Schedules in SynergyMMS. This FF walks you through setting up a PM.

SMMS_FF_5-Mobile_Room_Inspection.pdfWith the new SynergyMobile module of SynergyMMS room inspections have never been easier. This Feature Focus shows you how to create and conduct inspections from start to finish including reports.

SMMS_FF_8_pm_QA.pdfQA process thourgh SynergyMMS Preventive Maintenance

SMMS_FF_9_Pooling.pdfWhat is Pooling in SynergyMMS. How does it work? How do I set up a Pool?

SMMS_FF_11_PMCalendar.pdfHow to use the PM Calendar in SynergyMMS

SMMS_FF_14-Custom Views - Create custom view for team members.pdfThis document will show you how to create and use the cusotm views in the Work Request Full View.

SMMS_FF_15-Auto_Printing_for_Dispatches.pdfHow to set up my dispatches to auto-print from Synergy is my database is hosted at SAI.

SMMS_FF_16-download iOS app.pdfHow to download the iOS, SynergyMMS's app for the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad

SMMS_FF_17-categories.pdfWhat are Categories in SynergyMMS V3

SMMS_FF_19-MotoTurbo Gateway software.pdfGateway software for Motorola MotoTurbo and SynergyMMS

SMMS_FF_21-Tiered Escalation.pdfWhat is Tiered Escalation

SMMS_FF_22-Hourly PM.pdfHourly PM Schedues

SMMS_FF_7-work request filters.pdfHow to use filters in on a Work Request